I don't have to work until later this afternoon, so I thought, "Why not start a blog?"

So I guess this is it, another thing in life to get around to doing later. Here's what I hope to do with this thing the kids call, "A blog."

1. Improve my writing skills. - I graduated from Hannibal-LaGrange College in 2004 with a lot of english under my belt, and in the years after have lost my penchant for proper grammar and the like. Thank you internet spell check.

2. To get random interviews with various folks on audio... or in the written word.

3. To amuse myself more than I already do.

I'm a man of large and varied tastes, so there will be a lot of randomness posted about my fleeting interests and my ability to procrastinate learning anything too meaningful out of them. So, be expecting music, film, cooking, video games, car repair, DIY cd making, Printmaking, computers, etc...

I hope whomever stumbles upon this will find something worthwhile to read or start looking into, then hopefully study it further and get back to me on the subject.



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